Introducing Dr Jen Palmer
We'd like to share a little about our newest fan, Dr Jen. Below is a little about her and what she likes about MineralRich in her own words.
Jen Palmer is a naturopathic doctor with 20 years’ experience in the dietary supplement industry and integrative medicine profession. As a graduate of Bastyr University, her career started with consulting on supplement regulatory issues and educating on the science of nutraceuticals. She is passionate about sharing her natural medicine expertise through writing and speaking to consumers , retailers and physicians. She currently consults for dietary supplement companies that want to use education to drive marketing strategies. In the past, she created a one-year herbal certification CME program for physicians, and authored “Berberine: Everything You Didn’t Know” by Woodland Publishing, among many other writings. Her website educates about strategies for healthy aging. In her free time she enjoys overseeing Sarasota Studio Artists Association, an organization she founded to create a community for local artists and promote their businesses (